Who We Help
The Timothy J. Piazza Memorial Foundation provides help for children and adults who need prosthesis. A prosthesis is an artificial body part and people with a limb difference often wear a prosthesis to replace all or part of an arm, leg, hand or foot. Children tend to need prosthesis either due to a congenital defect that has left them without a limb or necessary amputation due to diseases or an accident. A prosthesis is used to replace the function of the missing limb and/or is used for cosmetic reasons. Children need special attention and rehabilitation, and they need a change of socket every year to accord with their growing bodies till they are eighteen. A prosthesis can help a child who has lost a limb to have a perfectly happy and active childhood.
As a small, locally based charity, we give directly to patients needing a prosthesis. Your donations will have a direct and profound impact local children and adults in need.
The Timothy J. Piazza Memorial Foundation also provides money for college scholarships for students at Hunterdon Central High School